Can I Trust ServingBee Service partners visiting my home?
We verify background details of service partners. Each personnel are checked with their ability, skills, behaviour and quality. We also conduct professional training and grooming sessions to make sure they behave professionaly.
What we do?
Serving Bee is a platform built to provide people with the assistance they are looking for. Our company partners with skilled professionals for services of Bike Repair, Pest Control, Sofa Repair, Appliance Repair etc. We let our customers book the services offered from the comfort of their home. Based on the customer's requirement, a thoroughly trained and verified service professional is assigned to them on their preferable day and time.
Why Choose Us?
We gurantee 101% commitment to provide required assistance to our customers, prioritizing their satisfaction. We assure quality and professionalism in the services provided with highly trained and adequate professionals.

ServingBee Ratings
